What Type of Car Mirror Hang-On is Right for Your Business?


When it comes to mirror hang-ons for car dealerships, repair shops, rental facilities or any company with a large fleet of vehicles there is a specific type of mirror hang-on that is perfect for your needs. 

Here are the different types of mirror hang-ons Gam Enterprises has available today.

Standard Paper Mirror Hang-On

Standard paper mirror hang-ons are made of environmentally-friendly disposable card stock. Our paper mirror hang-ons come with a detachable key tag and claim check with corresponding control number on both sides of each. There is a green number on one side and a red number on the other. These are by far the most popular type of car mirror hanger.

Colored Paper Mirror Hang-On

Colored paper mirror hang-ons are also made of environmentally-friendly disposable card stock. Our colored hang-ons also come with a detachable key tag and claim check with corresponding control number on both sides of each. Colored mirror hangers come in eleven different colors that allow you to easily identify vehicles. These hangers are great for car repair facilities with several service writers and technicians that are sorted into teams.

Custom Paper Car Mirror Hangers

Just like our other hang-on's, custom paper mirror hang-ons are also made of environmentally-friendly disposable card stock. Our custom hang-on's also come with a detachable key tag and claim check with corresponding control number on both sides of each. Custom mirror hangers allow you to promote services and sales with custom graphics on the mirror hanger. These hangers are great for car rental companies and loaner vehicles at dealerships and repair facilities. 

If you would like to view more information on mirror hangers please visit our catalog

We offer a complete line of car identification products, car protection products, forms, sales incentive game boards, storage systems, sales aids, and more. We’re dedicated to offering top quality products, service and solutions so you can operate your business more effectively.





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